Dampak Perkembangan Komputer pada Perluasan Arena Garapan Ilmu Fisika

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B.Suprapto Brotosiswojo


The dramatic progress in computer technology has inspired physicists to broaden their field of research into several areas.
Computing is no longer considered as just a fast, accurate and efficient calculating machine, but also as a thinking tool in
their effort to describe and understand the way nature behaves. With its fast logical-inference processing, and its capability
to accommodate very large amount of data and memories, physicists are no longer afraid of dealing with complex systems
and phenomena, which were usually avoided in the past. On computing itself another concern has surfaced, i.e. an
anticipation that the basic elemental processing will have to be carried out on an atomic or subatomic scale. To give an
illustration, this article exposes just two examples of progress, namely “Quantum Dot Cellular Automata” and “Quantum
Teleportation”. The first example indicates an alternative way of classical computing using quantum dots with a size in the
order of hundreds of atomic scale. The second example goes deeply into a real quantum computing, where strange
behavior which looks ‘counter intuitive’ actually takes place in nature.


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How to Cite
Brotosiswojo, B. (2016). Dampak Perkembangan Komputer pada Perluasan Arena Garapan Ilmu Fisika. Indonesian Journal of Physics, 13(2), 145-150. Retrieved from https://ijphysics.fi.itb.ac.id/index.php/ijp/article/view/52