Pemodelan Inversi Non-Linier dalam Geofisika Menggunakan Algoritma Rantai Markov

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Hendra Grandis


In the frame of Bayesian inference, the inverse problem solution is described by posterior probability density function (PDF) in the model space. Estimation of PDF in a multidimensional space is based on a Markov chain having invariant probability identical to the posterior PDF of the model. Extensive exploration of the model space using a stochastic technique is expected to circumvent local minima. The Markov chain algorithm has been applied to non-linear inversion of magnetotelluric (MT) data using 1-D and 2-D models with satisfactory results, i.e. synthetic models have been recovered.


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How to Cite
Grandis, H. (2016). Pemodelan Inversi Non-Linier dalam Geofisika Menggunakan Algoritma Rantai Markov. Indonesian Journal of Physics, 13(2), 76-80. Retrieved from