Dynamic Response of Non-linear Beam Structures in Deterministic and Chaos Perspective

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Anwar Dolu
Amrinsyah Nasution


The behavior of large deformation beam structures can be modeled based on non-linear geometry due to geometric
nonlinearity mid-plane stretching in the presence of axial forces, which is a form a nonlinear beam differential equation
of Duffing equation type. Identification of dynamic systems from nonlinear beam differential equations for
deterministic and chaotic responses based on time history, phase plane and Poincare mapping. Chaotic response based
on time history is very sensitive to initial conditions, where small changes to initial terms leads to significant change in
the system, which in this case are displacement x (t) and velocity x’(t) as time increases (t). Based on the phase plane, it
shows irregular and non-stationary trajectories, this can also be seen in Poincare mapping which shows strange attractor
and produces a fractal pattern. The solution to this Duffing type equation uses the Runge-Kutta numerical method with
MAPLE software application.


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How to Cite
Dolu, A., & Nasution, A. (2019). Dynamic Response of Non-linear Beam Structures in Deterministic and Chaos Perspective. Indonesian Journal of Physics, 30(2), 14 - 19. https://doi.org/10.5614/itb.ijp.2019.30.2.3


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