Perturbative Calculation for the Heavy Meson Matrix Element

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L. T. Handoko


We argue that the perturbative approach can be used to compute non-factorizable corrections to exclusive radiative B meson decays in the heavy quark mass limit. The explicit computation of first order QCD corrections is given. These, or the so-called hard spectator, corrections is done up to %(αs) in the leading-twist approximation. These results are combined with the already done renormalization group effect in the appropriate Wilson coefficients, the vertex corrections and the annihilation contributions to obtain a complete %(αs) improvements to the lowest order decay width. The result is particularly applied to radiative decay B → ργ which the analysis is done for its branching ratio, isospin symmetry breaking and direct CP violation.


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How to Cite
Handoko, L. T. (2016). Perturbative Calculation for the Heavy Meson Matrix Element. Indonesian Journal of Physics, 13(1), 5-6. Retrieved from